Dialysis is a life saving medical process that helps the patients who are suffering of kidney dysfunction. This procedure removes waste and excess fluids from their blood flow.  However, one thing which always goes unnoticed during this process is “water”, which plays a critical role. The water used in dialysis process must meet required quality standards. To ensure patient safety and effectiveness of the treatment, is the foremost responsibility. In this blog, we will throw light on irreplaceable contributions that laboratories make to ensure the purity of water being used for Dialysis. 

Importance of Water Quality in Dialysis: 

Dialysis is a critical medical procedure for which attention, carefulness and precision is must. As we have already discussed, water is the key component to create dialysate, a fluid that helps removing toxins from the patient’s blood. On the other hand, impurities in the water leads to serious complications, like- infections, clotting, and negative reactions. So, it’s not only necessary to maintain a highest water quality but also one’s responsibility.  

Role of laboratories: 

 Water testing laboratories plays major role to ensure that the water used in dialysis meets the regulatory standards. Laboratories follows and goes through different testing procedures to meet the required standards: 

Stringent Testing Protocols: 

Labs to follow rigorous testing protocols which are specifically designed for dialysis water. The samples are analyzed at wide scale of different parameters like microbial contamination, chemical impurities, endotoxins etc. 

ITC Labs employ Advanced Techniques:  

We at ITC Labs employ advanced analytical techniques to detect impurities. Such as, osmosis, ultrafiltration and high-performance liquid chromatography. These methods result in accuracy and preciseness measurement of impurity levels. 

Expertise and continuous Monitoring:  

ITC Labs have highly qualified and skilled technicians and microbiologists who are specialized in different sectors. Additionally, we provide continuous monitoring services at dialysis center to maintain water quality standards. This approach helps preventing the issues before reaching the patients. 

Certification & Compliance for dialysis water quality Testing: 

Regulatory bodies have standard guidelines for dialysis water quality. Certification and compliance reports are provided by the laboratories which demonstrates the adherence to the certain set of standards.  


Water quality is the foremost thing to be considered for dialysis. It directly puts impact on patient health and safety. With the help of skilled employees, advanced techniques and stringent testing protocols. We at ITC labs have an exceptionally qualified and experienced team for testing and analysis including high tech laboratory services. Our comprehensive portfolio includes serving clients throughout pan India. 

Please contact us for more information https://www.itclabs.com/contact-us/ 

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