Cosmetics Microbiological


Cosmetics are used almost universally on a regular basis. The safety in cosmetics and toiletries is of prime importance, as only safe products should be used by consumers. As a result, awareness has grown both among the manufacturers and the health authorities of the hazards involved in using the cosmetics. Regulatory authorities responsible for formulating the standard agreed that bio-burden of non objectionable micro-organisms beyond a specific limit and/or presence of pathogenic micro-organisms in cosmetic preparations cause a health hazard to the consumer, hence it’s of great importance to have an appropriate micro-biological standard for the cosmetic products depending on nature of product and its end use.

Microbiological testing is a key aspect of cosmetic product safety. In order to meet the requirements of the Cosmetics Regulation (EC) 1223/2009, the microbiological quality of raw materials, bulk products and formulated final cosmetic products must be determined. Intertek’s suite of microbiological tests include quality control testing and research and development support, helping our clients to ensure product quality and safety.